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Semi-Submersible Vessel XIN GUANG HUA Has Safely Unloaded FPSO HAI KUI No. 1

Date:2024-05-30 Read times: font size:[ L M S ]

On May 24, COSCO SHIPPING's XIN GUANG HUA safely unloaded Asia's largest cylindrical FPSO, HAI KUI No.1 in Guangzhou. This set dual records for our semi-submersible fleet in weight and volume. COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carrier ensured a smooth and efficient unloading process through meticulous planning and seamless coordination.

On May 12, XIN GUANG HUA submerged at Qingdao Port for the successful loading FPSO HAI KUI No.1, which holds the title of Asia’s most voluminous. 

XIN GUANG HUA, boasting a 100,000 DWT capacity, stands as the flagship among COSCO SHPPING Specialized Carrier’s semi-submersible vessels. It has a distinguished track record and extensive expertise in handling oversized, overweight, ultra-high, and ultra-long cargoes. The vessel has previously executed similar tasks, notably transporting China’s inaugural total contract FPSO project Hope 6 and the world’s premier 100,000 DWT deep-water semi-submersible production and oil storage platform, known as the SHEN HAI YI HAO hull project, solidifying its status as the optimal choice for such projects.