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13 Minutes! 2 Vessels Achieved Paperless Cargo Release of 62.7 Thousand Tons of Pulp

Date:2024-06-26 Read times: font size:[ L M S ]

On June 18, our vessels “ZHONG YUAN HAI YUN KAI TUO” and “ZHONG YUAN HAI YUN JIN QU”, achieved paperless cargo release of 62.7 thousand tons of pulp at Shanghai Luojing Port in only 13 minutes, 24 hours faster than the traditional method!

Connecting the electronic Bill of Lading (eBL) to the cargo release process, COSCO SHIPPING was able to streamline the procedure for customers and save costs. This is a testament to COSCO SHIPPING’s dedication to providing comprehensive “shipping+port+logistics+digitalization” supply chain services through in-depth collaboration with domestic ports to develop efficient and quality digital products and services.