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COSCO SHIPPING Ensures Smooth Delivery of Olympic
Broadcasting Equipment for Paris Olympic Games

Date:2024-05-07 Read times: font size:[ L M S ]

The Olympic flame for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games was ignited in Olympia, Greece, on April 16 and is set to arrive in Marseille on May 8. As the flame approached France, the vital broadcasting equipment of China Central Television (CCTV) for the Paris Olympics, managed by COSCO SHIPPING Lines, set sail from the Meishan Port Terminal in Ningbo on the early morning of May 7th. This equipment is destined to travel via the AEU2 service route of COSCO SHIPPING Lines to the Port of Le Havre in France, poised for the live coverage of the Olympic events, promising a comprehensive live broadcast experience for audiences in China.

Recognizing the stringent requirements for the precise transportation of this equipment, COSCO SHIPPING Lines Ningbo branch meticulously chose reefer containers for transport and introduced the “My Reefer” service to clients. This service enables real-time tracking of the cargo’s location, status, and temperature, ensuring optimal conditions throughout the journey. The meticulous care taken in transportation guarantees the safe and efficient arrival of the equipment, securing the uninterrupted transmission of the CCTV Olympic broadcasts.

The booking process is particularly complex due to the need for ATA carnet, while the shipment included nine reefers and one standard container. In response to these challenges, the company, leveraging its internal synergies, managed to successfully book space for this shipment through manual data entry and other expedient measures, ensuring a seamless delivery of the cargo.