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COSCO SHIPPING Bulk Has Signed 1 Million Tons of Cargo though Blockchain Electronic Bill of Lading

Date:2024-06-02 Read times: font size:[ L M S ]

On May 22, COSCO SHIPPING Bulk issued an Electronic Bill of Lading for the V120 voyage of the vessel CSB HOPE. The company has partnered with clients to sign a total of 1 million tons of cargo through the Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) platform. This milestone marks a new stage in the application of the IQAX eBL system based on GSBN.

Since the issuance of the first blockchain eBL for bulk cargo on August 1, 2023, COSCO SHIPPING Bulk has successfully provided efficient services to multiple trading partners, including miners, traders, end users, and banks. Blockchain eBL products have played an important role in the trade processes of multiple routes, including West Africa-China, Australia-China and China-Central America.

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