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COSCO SHIIPPING Hosts Its First Capital Markets Day Event in Shanghai

Date:2024-05-24 Read times: font size:[ L M S ]

To elevate the development quality of its listed companies, COSCO SHIPPING Group hosted “COSCO SHIPPING Capital Markets Day” on May 21 in Shanghai. Management from the nine listed subsidiaries of the group, including COSCO SHIPPING Holdings (601919.SH / 01919.HK), COSCO SHIPPING Energy (600026.SH / 01138.HK), COSCO SHIPPING Development (601866.SH / 02866.HK), COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers (600428.SH), COSCO SHIPPING Technology (002401.SZ), Hainan Strait Shipping (002320.SZ), COSCO SHIPPING Ports (01199.HK), COSCO SHIPPING International (00517.HK), and OOCL (00316.HK), discussed the recent industry outlook and their operation strategies through a large group presentation and 24 small group meetings.


Over 200 analysts and institutional investors from domestic and international funds and securities attended the activity.